Testimonials from Sovereign Brittany owners

- Lisa and Chris in Mendota Heights, MN

"We have gotten two great dogs from Dawn! They both have awesome temperaments and have always been very healthy! They adjusted very well in our home and quickly became part of the family...more like kids than dogs. Dawn is always available for questions and support whenever you need it! We even thought about adding a third pup to the group from Sovereign!"
- Dr Mike & Joni in Columbia, MO "We have had 3 different Sovereign Brittanies over the past 20+ years, both a male and females, and simply cannot imagine our lives without these superb family members. We are not a hunting family but all 3 are finished show champions and are tremendously versatile and personable in every other way a dog can be, whether it is hiking, going to the cabin, cross country skiing, horseback riding, or family events with all ages. The Droel’s breed Brits that are smart, exceptionally sound, and easy to train because they have such a will to please and be your constant companion. We cannot thank Sovereign enough for the fine kennel they have established to bring us these lovely dogs."
- Dave and Anne in North Oaks, MN

- Doug & Christine in Champlin, MN

- Drs. Rachel & Brandon in St Paul, MN

- Karen & Steve in Minneapolis, MN Owning a healthy, well-adjusted, well-trained Brittany requires commitment and a thoughtful investment in both time and money. Not just from you, but also from your breeder. Having a trusted, experienced and compassionate breeder as your partner gives both you andO your dog a great head start. My three Sovereign Brittanys (Breaker, Levi and Indy) have given me some of the greatest joy and enrichment of my life. And that is as much because of Dawn and Joe as it is because of their wonderful dogs. With their support and encouragement I went from never having owned a dog to getting my first dog at 48 and my first puppy at 50. I now compete (for fun mostly) with my dogs in hunt tests, agility and rally. I have made new friends and learned new skills through obedience and agility classes as well as Minnesota Brittany Club activities and dog shows (although I don’t show my dogs). Dawn and Joe are very active at the local, regional and national level in both show and field with their dogs and will help you achieve as much as you want out of your dog. I couldn’t have asked for better partners on my dog journey."
- Karen & Steve in Minneapolis, MN

- John and Cindy in Newnan, GA More from Cindy
"Where to begin… We met Dawn about 20 years ago when we were searching for a Brittany puppy to replace Brandy, an exuberant Brittany who shared her life with us for nearly 17 years. Cindy and I do not have kids so picking the right dog was much like adopting a child. We did an exhaustive search and visited all of the local Brittany breeders we could find - keeping in mind the internet wasn’t the advanced search tool in the mid 90’s that it is now. We even began corresponding with the former National Brittany Club President. This nice lady said she was impressed with our efforts but there was one breeder we had not contacted in our area who had most calm temperament Brittany’s she had ever seen. Of course, that breeder was Dawn Droel.
Our first opportunity to meet Dawn, very fortunately, turned out to be at a dog show near our home in Minnesota. We got to go “Back Stage” where Dawn had Moose. on the grooming table. We sat in a couple chairs alongside the table. Before the conversation hardly began, Moose gently stepped off the table into Cindy’s lap and gave her a gentle kiss on the cheek. The search was over. We just had to have one of Dawn’s pups.
Naturally,Dawn was as curious about us as we were about her and her dogs. Thankfully we had the right stuff and passed muster. Some months later it was time to visit the litter at about 4 weeks. Many if not all the prospective new owners showed up although there was no picking of choosing allowed. During the hyper activity and epic cuteness, one of the pups wandered over and fell asleep in my lap. At 8 weeks it was time to go pick out our new family member. We choose wisely. We came home with Cooper. Cindy is sure it was the same pup that that chose us at the puppy preview. Cooper was a loved and loving family member for many years. His most unique feature was his insistence on singing along with the theme song to The Young and the Restless. It was the darndest thing. Near the end of Cooper’s life, we began corresponding with Dawn for advice and received not only good advice but much comfort. Of course, Cooper was irreplaceable, but that didn’t mean we could never love another dog just as much. And so, it is.
We now have Louis, the smartest dog I have ever seen. Louis will open as many lever type doors as necessary to allow himself to go outside. When Louis was about 3, we thought it would be nice for him to have a sister. So once again from Sovereign Brittanys we purchased Daisy Mae, a year and a half old show champion. Louis and Daisy are inseparable. If we’re away from home for a while it’s comforting to know they have each other